
My journey began with a profound understanding that life can sometimes lose its meaning, and sometimes find ourselves disconnected from the magic it holds. I inspire to become your partner in rekindling that sense of purpose and wonder.

The Founder

My extensive experience in guiding transformative journeys fuels my dedication to helping others discover their path to self-empowerment. I draw inspiration from witnessing the resilience and growth potential within every individual. I firmly believe that life is a beautiful journey filled with numerous opportunities for self-realization.

My vision for Alchemy Shift is to cultivate a vibrant community of individuals who’ve unlocked their potential, leading lives infused with purpose, authenticity, and a touch of magic.

The Approach

My holistic philosophy empowers you on your transformative journey. I blend traditional coaching with ceremony and creative frameworks to create supportive containers and experiences. Personalized coaching packages cater to your unique needs, honoring your diverse path to self-discovery. My focus is on creating deep, lasting transformation, equipping you for a lifetime of meaningful change.

The Process

My process is centered on guiding you through a transformative experience. I believe in breaking down the journey into manageable steps, providing a clear roadmap for you to move forward with confidence. My coaching is more than guidance; it’s a partnership that empowers you to become the author of your own transformational story.

Elements Of The Journey

The Compass

Find your True North – your authentic self, purpose, and direction. Navigate through life’s challenges with clarity and confidence.

The Terrain

Embark on a journey of self-discovery. Uncover your strengths, growth areas, and resources that will support your transformation.

The Vessel

Create a space for profound transformation. Unlock your hidden potential and embrace the power within you.

The Treasure

Discover deep peace and harmony. Develop the ability to respond to life’s challenges with resilience and find fulfilment in every moment.

The Approach

We focus on creating deep and lasting transformation so that you can embody your full potential.


Establish clarity around how you want to be.

Practice MAGIC

Explore the different activities that support you.


Experience all the beauty life has to offer.

Be R.E.A.L

Establish clarity around how you want to be.


Operate from a place of ease and grace


Be present and responsive to the world around you


Move from a place of integrity and alignment


Be rooted in respect and compassion for all

Practice M.A.G.I.C

Explore different activities that support you.


Live in the present moment with awareness


Learn to be flexible and resilient to obstacles


Grow from a place of nurturing and ease


Cultivate a life filled with inspiration and purpose


Foster a deep relationship with the world around you

Feel F.L.O.W

Experience all the beauty life has to offer.


Live in the present moment with awareness


Learn to be your true, authentic self


Embrace self-compassion and nurturing


Cultivate a life filled with inspiration and purpose

Benefits of Coaching

These benefits of coaching extend far beyond the coaching sessions themselves. They become integral to your daily life, shaping how you perceive and interact with the world around you.


In the journey of life, it’s not uncommon to feel uncertain about your purpose or the path you’re meant to follow


Through self-discovery and personal growth, you’ll uncover your hidden strengths, talents, and abilities


Develop techniques to manage stress, find balance, and create a sense of inner calm in every aspect of your life


It’s not just about temporary fixes; it’s about making positive, sustainable changes that enhance the quality of your life

“Michael helped me just let go and surrender into a space of deep love”


1 Simple Practice to Align with Your Purpose